Date | Titre | Organisateur(s) | Lieu |
16/12/2024 | Journée scientifique du laboratoire | Anissa MOKRAOUI | Amphi Copernic |
04/2024 | Saadi BOUDJIT, « Réussir sa qualification au conseil national des universités (CNU) » | Saadi BOUDJIT | E303 |
13/03/2024 | Amine BOURKI, Efficient Systems and Performance Evaluation for Autonomous Flying Robots in the Age of Smart Cities | Fangchen FENG | E303 |
03/07/2023 | Ismail BEN AYED, Professeur, ETS Montréal, Transductive Few-Shot Learning | Fangchen FENG | E303 |
14/06/2023 | Marc IBRAHIM, Associate Professor at Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon | Saadi BOUDJIT | E303 |
16/05/2023 | Cristian MARTIN, Associate Professor at ERTIS (Embedded Real-Time Systems), University of Malaga, Spain, Overview on research activities at ERTIS group | Khaled BOUSSETTA | Amphi Darwin |
14/03/2023 | Beiji ZOU (Professor, School of Computer Science, Central South University, China), Multi-Label Classification Scheme Based on Local Regression for Retinal Vessel Segmentation | Fangchen FENG, Ken CHEN | E303 |
08/12/2022 | Journée scientifique du laboratoire | Anissa MOKRAOUI | Amphi Copernic |
20/10/2022 | Stefania COLONNESE (Associate Professor of Telecommunications University-La Sapienza, Rome, Italie), Ongoing research activity on Extended Reality communications : from non-Euclidean data modeling to network-assisted data processing | Azeddine BEGHDADI | E303 |
20/10/2022 | Faouzi Alaya CHEIHK (Professeur, NTNU, Gjovik, Norway), Applied Visual Computing Research at SDDE (Software, Data and Digital Ecosystems Research Group) | Azeddine BEGHDADI | E303 |
19/04/2022 | Thuong LE-TIEN (Professeur, Institut Polytechnique de HoChiMinh ville (ou HCMUT)), « Graphbase Signal processing to convolutional Neural Network for medical image segmentation » | Marie LUONG | Amphi Becquerel |
09/12/2021 | Journée scientifique du laboratoire | Anissa MOKRAOUI | Amphi Darwin |
05/10/2021 | Zohaib Amjad KHAN, Medical image and video quality assessment and enhancement | Fangchen FENG | E303 |
29/06/2021 | Abdulhalim DANDOUSH, Network Functions and Protocols : Evaluation and Optimization | Saadi BOUDJIT | E303 |
18/06/2021 | Salvador RUIZ CORREA, The You-i Lab : Building the present by empowering the young | Saadi BOUDJIT | E303 |
07/12/2020 | Journée scientifique du laboratoire | Anissa MOKRAOUI | Distanciel |
29/11/2019 | Journée scientifique du laboratoire | Anissa MOKRAOUI | Amphi Euler |
21/06/2019 | Audace MANIRABONA, Cooperative transmission to enhance intra and inter WBAN performances | Saadi BOUDJIT | E303 |
04/12/2018 | Journée scientifique du laboratoire | Anissa MOKRAOUI | Amphi Copernic |
22/11/2018 | Journée scientifique de l’institut Galilée | Institut Galilée | |
01/10/2018 | Audace MANIRABONA, A priority based scheduling strategy and a channel width adaptation with a game theory approach for a WBAN based Healthcare Monitoring System | Saadi BOUDJIT | E303 |
27/09/2018 | Xinggong ZHANG, QoE-driven Adaptive VR Video Streaming | Saadi BOUDJIT | E303 |
05/12/2017 | Journée scientifique du laboratoire | Anissa MOKRAOUI | Amphi Copernic |