International journal with reviewing committee
1. Mohammed Chahbar, Gladys Diaz, Abdulhalim Dandoush, Christophe Cérin and Kamal Ghoumid, "A Comprehensive Survey on the E2E 5G Network Slicing Model," in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Dec 2020. doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2020.3044626. - Revue indexée JCR
2. Arslane Hamza-Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz, Fedoua Lahfa. A Comparative Study and Performance Evaluation of Main VDTN Routing Protocols under Small and Large Scale Scenarios with TAPAS Cologne. Elsevier, Ad Hoc Networks Journal. 2018 - Revue indexée JCR
3. Gladys Diaz. Information Model for Dynamic Deployment of Services. The International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 3(6) :2320–9798, jun 2015.
Book chapters
1. Gladys Diaz, Zoubir Mammeri and Jean-Pierre Thomesse. Distributed Multimedia: Applications, Systems and Platforms. Distributed and Parallel Systems: Theory and Practice. Nagib CALLAOS Editions. ISBN: 980-07-5956-5. 1999.
2. Valérie Gay, Sandrine Duflos, Brigitte Kervella, Gladys Diaz and Eric Horlait. Policy- Based Quality of Service and Security Management for Multimedia Services on IP networks in the RTIPA project. 5th IFIP/IEEE MMNS 2002. LNCS-Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2496, Springer-Verlag, K.C. Almeroth and M.Hasan eds., ISBN 3-540-44271-5, pages 25-35, Santa Barbara, USA, October 2002.
3. Abdelhak Farsi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz, and Arturo Gomez. Backhaul Topology Design and Weighted Max-Min Fair Capacity Allocation in Wireless Mesh Networks. V. Guyot (Ed.): IEEE ICAIT 2012, LNCS 7593, pages 296–309. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
4. Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta, Abdelhak Farsi, and Nadjib Achir. Adaptive Contention Window for Zone-Based Dissemination of Vehicular Traffic. V. Guyot (Ed.): IEEE ICAIT 2012, LNCS 7593, pages 330–339. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Hei- delberg, 2013.
5. Amina Boubendir, Emmanuel Bertin, Gladys Diaz, and Noëmie Simoni. Flexible and Dynamic Network-as-a-Service for Next Generation Internet. In Qiang Duan and Shangguang Wang, editors, Network as a Service for Next Generation Internet, chapter 3. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (The IET), Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2AY, United Kingdom, 2017.
6. Gladys Diaz, Amina Boubendir, and Noëmie Simoni. Virtual Deployment of Virtual Networks in Network as a Service. In Qiang Duan and Shangguang Wang, editors, Network as a Service for Next Generation Internet, chapter 4. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (The IET), Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2AY, United Kingdom, 2017.
7. Gladys Diaz and Noëmie Simoni. Cloud Networking Evolution. In Qiang Duan and Shangguang Wang, editors, Network as a Service for Next Generation Internet, chapter 7. The Institution of Engineering and Technology (The IET), Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2AY, United Kingdom, 2017.
International conferences with reviewing committee and proceedings
1. Gladys Diaz, Zoubir Mammeri and Jean-Pierre Thomesse. An Object-Oriented Modelling of Co-operative Multimedia Systems. 26th EUROMICRO Conference. EUROMICRO workshop on Multimedia and Telecommunications. Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 5th-7th, 2000. (Conférence Rang B).
2. Sandrine Duflos, Gladys Diaz, Valérie Gay and Eric Horlait. A Comparative Study of Policy Specification Languages for Secure Distributed Applications. 13th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, DSOM 2002. ISBN 3-540-00080-1, pages 157-168, Montréal, Canada, October 2002. (Conf. Rang B).
3. Gladys Diaz, Valérie Gay and Eric Horlait. An Object-Oriented information model for Policy- based management of distributed applications. IASTED Int. Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, CIIT 2002, ISBN 0-88986-327-X, pages 7-12, St Thomas, IV- US, November 2002.
4. Gladys Diaz. A Study on SLA and QoS Specification Policy-based Management Environments. IASTED Int Conference on Computer Science and Technology, CST 2003. ISBN 0-88986-349-0, Cancun, Mexique, Mai 2003.
5. Gladys Diaz. An Information Model for QoS Multimedia Specification. In IEEE Conference, Information and Communication Technologies International Symposium, ICTIS 2005, ISBN 9954- 8577-0-2, pages 17-23, Tetuan, Maroc, Juin 2005.
6. Gladys Diaz, Nadjib Achir and Ken Chen. Modeling Data to Management Dynamic Services Deployment in Autonomic Networks. IEEE/ICTTA'06. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from theory to applications. April 24 - 28, 2006, Damascus, Syria. (Conférence Rang C).
7. Gladys Diaz, Nadjib Achir and Ken Chen. Distributed Management to Services Deployment in Autonomic Networks. IEEE/ICTTA'08. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies: from theory to applications. April 7 - 11, 2008, Damascus, Syria. (Conférence Rang C).
8. Gladys Diaz. Modelling Knowledge for Dynamic Service Deployment-Autonomic Networks modelling. ICSOFT'08. 3nd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. Porto, Portugal. July 5 - 8, 2008. (Conférence Rang B).
9. Gladys Diaz. Autonomic Networks and Management of Dynamic Services Deployment: A study of approaches by using overlays networks. WTC'08. World Telecommunications Congress (WTC) Collocated with IEEE/GlobeCom 2008. New Orléans, LA, USA. November 30 - December 4, 2008. (Conférence Rang B).
10. Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta. ITS forecast: GIS Integration with Active Sensory System. The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on ITS for Ubiquitous Roads (UBIROADS) June 2009; Hammamet, Tunisia.
11. Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz and Khaled Boussetta. An integrated ITS framework for traffic forecast with GIS and active sensory assistance. IEEE, ITST Lile France, the 9th conference on ITS Telecommunications, October 2009.
12. Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir. Use Case Description of VPAIR: Virtual Police Agents for Traffic Guidance. The 3rd International Workshop on ITS for Ubiquitous Roads – UBIROADS’2011 co-located with GIIS 2011, 4-6 August 2011, Da Nang, Vietnam. (GIIS – conférence Rang C) (Acceptance rate < 35%).
13. Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta. Virtual Police Agents for ITS Traffic Routing. 11th International Conference on Telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITST-2011) ITST 2011, 23-25 august 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia.
14. Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta. How Virtual Police Agents can Help in the Trafic Guidance? In WVCN Workshop wireless vehicular communication and networks, collocated with IEEE/WCNC 2012, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference. Paris, France, 1-4 april 2012. (Conférence Rang B).
15.Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta. Toward the Integration of IVC-based Services into ITS Architecture Standards. IEEE GIIS 2012 – The 4th Global Information, Infrastructure and Networking Symposium 2012, 17-19 December 2012, Choroni – Venezuela. (Conférence Rang C) (Acceptance rate = 34%).
16. Inès Ayadi, Gladys Diaz, Noëmie Simoni. QoS-Aware Component for Cloud Computing. ICAS 2013, The Ninth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems. March 24 - 29, 2013 - Lisbon, Portugal. (Acceptance rate = 28%..)
17. Inès Ayadi, Noëmie Simoni, Gladys Diaz. NaaS: QoS-aware Cloud Networking services. NCA 2013, The 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications. 22-24 August, 2013. Cambridge, MA, USA. (Conférence Rang A) (Acceptance rate <30%)
18. Inès Ayadi, Gladys Diaz, Noémie Simoni. QoS-based Network Virtualization to Future Networks: An approach based on QoS network constraints. NoF’13, The 4th International Conference Network of Future. 23-25 October, 2013. Pohang, South Korea. (Acceptance rate=31%)
19. Silviana Juarez Chalini, Miguel Angel Leon Chavez, Gladys Diaz. UML Model of a Gateway for the Interconnection of IEEE 1609 and Controller Area Network. 14th international CAN Conference, 12-13 november, 2013. Paris, France.
20. Arslane Hamza Cherif, Fedoua Didi, Khaled Boussetta and Gladys Diaz. A State of Art of Modern Intelligent Transport Systems. The 2015 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Signal Processing. ICOSIP 2015. 08-09 November, 2015. Tlemcen (Algeria).
21. Arslane Hamza Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz, Fedoue Didi. A probabilistic convergecast protocol for vehicle to infrastructure communication in ITS architecture. 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2016). Las Vegas, USA, du 9 au 12 janvier 2016. (Acceptance rate <35%).
22. Gladys Diaz and Noëmie Simoni. Network Service Description for Virtual Network Deployment: A constraints based OVF extension proposal. The 3rd International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems (ManSDN/NFV 2016). Collocated with CNSM 2016 -12th International Conference on Network and Service Management. 31 october 2016. Montreal, Canada. (Acceptance rate <30%).
23. Gladys Diaz and Khaled Boussetta. An overview about current network enablers for the future NaaS architecture. The 7th International Conference on Network of the Future, NOF 2016. Du 16 au 18 novembre 2016, Buzios Brésil. (Acceptance rate <30%).
24. Gladys Diaz and Khaled Boussetta. An overview about current network enablers for the future NaaS architecture. The 7th International Conference on Network of the Future, NOF 2016. Du 16 au 18 novembre 2016, Buzios Brésil. (Acceptance rate <30%).
25. Arslane Hamza Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz and Didi Fedoua. Improving the Performances of Geographic VDTN Routing Protocols. IEEE 16th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net) 2017. Budva, Montenegro, June 28-30, 2017.
26. Amal Kammoun, Nabil Tabbane, Gladys Diaz, Abdulhalim Dandoush and Nadjib Achir. End-to-End Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for 5G Network Slicing. The 32-nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2018), May 16 to May 18, 2018. (Conférence Rang B) (Acceptance rate < 30%)
27. Amal Kammoun, Nabil Tabbane, Gladys Diaz and Nadjib Achir. Admission Control Algorithm for Network Slicing Management in SDN-NFV Environment. 6th International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS). May 10-12, 2018, Rabat, Morocco.
28. Arslane Hamza Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz and Didi Fedoua. GeoDTC: A New Geographic Routing Protocol based on Distance, Time and Custody Transfer. IOV 2018 : The 5th International Conference on Internet of Vehicles 2018. November 6-9 2018, Paris France.
29. Gladys Diaz, Michelle Sibilla, Noëmie Simoni. Towards information modeling for a QoS-aware support in the lifecycle of virtual networks. International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference. ITNAC 2018. 21-23 November 2018, Sidney, Australia.
30. Amal Kammoun, Nabil Tabbane, Gladys Diaz, Nadjib Achir and Abdulhalim Dandoush. Dynamic Handler Framework for Network Slices Management. The 27th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM 2019. 19-21 september 2019, Split, Croatia.
31. Ogechi Akudo Nwogu, Gladys Diaz and Marwen Abdennebi. A Combined Static/Dynamic Partitioned Resource Usage Approach for Random Access in 5G Cellular Networks. The 27th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks - SoftCOM 2019. 19-21 september 2019, Split, Croatia.
32. Mohammed Chahbar, Gladys Diaz, Abdulhalim Dandoush, Christophe Cérin, Kamal Ghoumid. NESSMA: Network Slice Subnet Management Framework. 10th International conference on the Network of the Future - NoF’19. 1-3 october, Rome, Italy.
33. Mohammed Chahbar, Gladys Diaz, Abdulhalim Dandoush. Towards a Unified Network Slicing Model. 15th International Conference on Network and Service Management – CNSM 2019. 21-25 October 2019, Halifax, Canada.
34. Amal Kammoun, Nabil Tabbane, Gladys Diaz, Nadjib Achir and Abdulhalim Dandoush. Inter-Slice Mobility Management in the Context of SDN/NFV Network. Distributed Computing for Emerging Smart Networks. DiCES-N. October 30, 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia.
35. Amal Kammoun, Nabil Tabbane, Gladys Diaz, Nadjib Achir and Abdulhalim Dandoush. Proactive Network Slices Management Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic System and Support Vector Regression Model. The 14-th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications - BWCCA-2019. November 7-9, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
36. Ogechi. A. Nwogu, Gladys Diaz and Marwen Abdennebi, "An Optimized Approach to Load Balancing and Resource Usage in 5G Multi-tiered Cellular Networks," 2020 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Tunis, Tunisia, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/GIIS50753.2020.9248489.
37. Mohammed Chahbar, Gladys Diaz, Abdulhalim Dandoush, “InterS: Towards Inter-Slice Bandwidth Resource Sharing”. In: 2021 IEEE 22nd In- ternational Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR). 2021, pp. 1–6. doi: 10.1109/HPSR52026.2021.9481833
38. Ogechi Akudo Nwogu, Gladys Diaz and Marwen Abdennebi, "Differential Traffic QoS Scheduling for 5G/6G Fronthaul Networks". In 2021 International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC), November 2021 Sydney, Australia.
National conferences with reviewing committee and proceedings
1. Gladys Diaz, Nadjib Achir, Ken Chen. Modèle d'information pour le déploiement dynamique de services. GRES 2005, 7ème Colloque francophone de Gestion de Réseaux et de Services. 9 au 12 mai 2006, Bordeaux, France.
2. Netzahualcoyotl Ornelas, Noëmie Simoni, Gladys Diaz, Ken Chen. Base de Connaissance infèrent : du modèle conceptuel au modèle physique. GRES 2010, 9ième Colloque francophone de Gestion de Réseaux et de Services. Oct. 2010, Montréal, Canada.
PhD and HDR reports
HDR- Habilitation à diriger des recherches
1. Gladys Diaz. Vers une personnalisation des services réseau a la demande. Rapport de HDR, Université Paris 6, 28 juin 2016.
Thèse de doctorat
1. Gladys Diaz. Conception de messagerie pour systèmes multimédia coopératifs. Application au système de Télémédecine DIATELIC. Rapport de thèse, INPL - LORIA, Equipe TRIO, 7 juillet 2000.
Project deliverables
1. Gladys Diaz, Sandrine Duflos, Valérie Gay, Eric Horlait and Brigitte Kervella. A QoS and Policy Object-oriented information model for networked multimedia applications. RTIPA Technical Report. November, 2001.
2. Valérie Gay, Sandrine Duflos, Brigitte Kervella, Gladys Diaz and Eric Horlait. Policy- based Quality of Service and Security Management. RTIPA Technical Report. November, 2001.
3. Sandrine Duflos, Gladys Diaz, Valérie Gay, Eric Horlait and Brigitte Kervella. Policy- based security management. RTIPA Technical Report. November, 2001.
4. Gladys Diaz, Nadjib Achir, Ken Chen. Déploiement contrôlé des services de réseau. Livrable L1.1 du projet RNRT/Amarillo, mars 2005.
5. Gladys Diaz, Ken Chen, Noëmie Simoni, Netzahualcoyotl Ornelas et al. SP3 – COMPOSANTS DE SERVICES Lot 3.1 – Spécifications des composants fonctionnelles de la session UBIS. Mai 2010.
6. FSN OpenCloudware. Livrable D1.2. T 1.2 Modèle logique avancé. EMN (Thomas Ledoux, Yousri Kouki), TPT (Tatiana Aubonnet, Ines Ayadi, Gladys Diaz, Noëmie Simoni), USav (Patrice Moreaux, Frédéric Pourraz), avril 2013.
Other research reports
7. Gladys DIAZ. Rapport de stage DEA. Etude de la communication et de la synchronisation dans les systèmes multimédia répartis. Université Nancy I. LORIA- Nancy. Stage soutenu le 25 Octobre 1996.
8. Gladys DIAZ, Zoubir MAMMERI and Jean-Pierre THOMESSE. Notion de groupe dans les applications multimédia coopératives. 1998. LORIA (98-R-036).
9. Gladys DIAZ, Zoubir MAMMERI et Jean-Pierre THOMESSE. Projet DIATELIC – LORIA. Télésurveillance Interactive et Coopérative des Dialysés à Domicile : une application coopérative. Décembre 1999.
Symposiums and scientific days
1. Gladys DIAZ. Approche user-centric dans un contexte NGN. 25ème Congrès DNAC : De Nouvelles Architectures pour les Communications. 16 - 18 novembre 2011
2. Inès Ayadi, Gladys DIAZ. QoS-aware NaaS requirements for Cloud computing. Journées Cloud et Réseaux. Université Paris 13, le 17 Octobre 2013, Villetaneuse, France.
3. Gladys DIAZ, Inès Ayadi. NaaS: QoS-aware Cloud Networking Services. Rencontre Calcul intensif et Sciences des données VICHY 2014. Vichy 1-4 juin 2014, France.
4. Gladys DIAZ, Noëmie Simoni. Modeling Network Information for Virtual Network Deployment at NaaS. International Workshop Software Networks, 04-06 March 2015. UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
5. Gladys DIAZ, Noëmie Simoni. Virtual Deployment at NaaS. Rencontre Calcul intensif et Sciences des données 2015. Villetaneuse 16-17 avril 2015, France.

