UAV Path Plannning
In real applications involving UAVs not being controlled by ground pilots,
safety is likely to become a decisive issue. This research proposes
prerequisites on the obstacles and the UAVs' control systems.
The prerequisites enable a mathematical proof of UAV-UAV and UAV-obstacles
avoidance in [BBDZ23] for a single UAV and in
[BBD23] for a fleet.
These ideas are presented in the following
Nouman Bashir, Saadi Boudjit, and Gabriel Dauphin. A connectivity aware path planning for a fleet of
UAVs in an urban environment. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, [JCR, Q1],
pages 1–16, 2023.
[BBDZ23] Nouman Bashir, Saadi Boudjit, Gabriel Dauphin, and Sherali Zeadally. An obstacle avoidance approach
for UAV path planning. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, [JCR, Q1 in 2021-2022, Q2 before],
129:102815, 2023.