Hotel Informations
Hotels near rue Barrault
2009 rates, per room and per night.
This list is simply to provide you with a few indications and is, by no means, exhaustive. It is the responsibility of the individual to make his or her reservation directly with the hotel.
Verlaine** - 51 rue Bobillot 75013 Paris - tél. +33(0) - from 56 € to 63 € + breakfast 6,50 €
Aladin** 14, rue des Cordelières 75013 Paris - tél. +33(0) - 88 € + breakfast 7,50 €
Ibis** - 177 rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris - tél. +33(0) - 15bis avenue d'Italie 75013 Paris - tél. +33(0) - 96 € + breakfast 8 €
Timhôtel** - 22 rue Barrault 75013 Paris - tél. +33(0) - 115 € + breakfast 9 €
Le Vert-Galant*** - 43 rue Croulebarbe 75013 Paris tél. +33(0) - from 90 € + breakfast 9 €
Saint-Charles*** - 6 rue de l'Espérance 75013 Paris - tél. +33(0) - 108-138 € + breakfast 10 €
de la Manufacture*** - 8 rue Philippe de Champagne 75013 Paris - 120-145 € + breakfast 12 €
Mercure*** - 25 bd. Auguste Blanqui 75013 Paris - tél. +33(0) - 149 € + breakfast 15 €