Peer-reviewed international journals
- Blaise Ngonmang, Emmanuel Viennet, and Maurice Tchuente. Predicting users behaviours in distributed social networks using community analysis. Lecture Notes in Social Networks, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp 119-138.
- Blaise Ngonmang, Maurice Tchuente, and Emmanuel Viennet. Local communities identification in social networks. Parallel Processing Letters, 22(1), March 2012.
Peer-reviewed international conferences & workshops
- Blaise Ngonmang, Emmanuel Viennet, S. Sean, Françoise Fogelman-Soulié, and Rémi Kirche. Monetization and services on a real online social network using social network analysis. In ICDM workshop on Data Mining Case Studies and Success Stories, pages 185-193, Dallas, USA, December 2013.
- Blaise Ngonmang, Emmanuel Viennet, and Maurice Tchuente. Churn prediction in a real online social network using local community analysis. In IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM'12), pages 282-290, August 2012.
- Blaise Ngonmang and Emmanuel Viennet. Toward community dynamic through interactions prediction in complex networks. In IEEE SITIS 2013, Complex Networks and their Applications, pages 462-469, Kyoto, Japan, December 2013.
Peer-reviewed national conferences
- Blaise Ngonmang and Emmanuel Viennet. Framework d'analyse de grands réseaux sociaux distribués. In CRI 2013, Yaoundé, Cameroun, December 2013. To appear.
- Blaise Ngonmang, Maurice Tchuente, and Emmanuel Viennet. Identification de communautés locales dans les réseaux sociaux. In Atelier AGS : Apprentissage et Graphes pour les Systèmes complexes, May 2011
- Blaise Ngonmang, Maurice Tchuente, and Emmanuel Viennet. Recherche de communautés locales. In Journées « Fouille de Données Complexes et de Grands Graphes », June 2011