Published articles
- P. Conde-Céspedes, F. Marcotorchino and E. Viennet, "Comparison of linear modularization criteria using the relational formalism, an approach to easily identify resolution limit", AKDM6, "Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management" (to appear).
- P. Conde-Céspedes, B. Ngonmang and E. Viennet, "Approximation of the Maximal α-Consensus Local Community detection problem in Complex Networks". In IEEE SITIS 2015, International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2015. "Slides of the presentation"
- P. Conde-Céspedes, F. Marcotorchino and E. Viennet, "Comparison of linear modularization criteria using the relational formalism, an approach to easily identify resolution limit". Proceedings of 15th Conférence Internationale Francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances (EGC'15), Luxembourg, January 2015.
- F. Marcotorchino and P. Conde-Céspedes, "Optimal transport and minimal trade problem, impacts on relational metrics and applications to large graphs and networks modularity". In F. Nielsen and F. Barbaresco, editors, Proc. First International Conference, Geometric Science of Information, numéro 1, pages 169–179, Paris, France, 2013. Springer-Verlag.
- P. Conde-Céspedes and F. Marcotorchino, "Comparison of different modularization criteria using relational metric" ,In F. Nielsen and F. Barbaresco, editors, Proc. First International Conference, Geometric Science of Information, numéro 1, pages 180–187, Paris, France, 2013. Springer-Verlag.
- P. Conde-Céspedes and F. Marcotorchino, "Modularisation et Recherche de Communautés dans les réseaux complexes par Unification Relationnelle" , Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information (RNTI-A6), pages 71–97, June 2012.
- G. Louaha, P. Conde-Céspedes, D. Daucher, B. Jourdain and F. Bosc, "Traffic Operations at an Entrance Ramp of a Suburban Freeway First Results" , 6th ISHC Conference, Stockholm (Sweden), June 27-29 2011.
Submitted articles
- R. Campigotto, P. Conde-Céspedes and J-L Guillaume, A Generalized and Adaptive Method for Community Detection, preprint on arxiv:
- P. Conde-Céspedes, B. Ngonmang and E. Viennet, "A method for the Approximation of the Maximal α-Consensus Local Community detection problem in Complex Networks"