Professor / Professeur des Universités)
Book Chapters
- Emil Dumic, Anamaria Bjelopera, Khaled
Boussetta, Luis A. da Silva Cruz, Yuansong Qiao, A. Murat Tekalp Yuhang
Ye, Transmission of 3D Video Content, In: Pedro Amado Assunção and
Atanas Gotchev (eds), 3D Visual Content Creation, Coding and Delivery,
chapter 8, Pages 195-221, Signals and Communication Technology,
Springer International Publishing 2019, DOI :
- Emil Dumic, Khaled Boussetta, Luis A. da
Silva Cruz, Tasos Dagiuklas, Antonio Liotta, Ilias Politis, Yuansong
Qiao, A. Murat Tekal, Maria Torres Vega, Yuhang Ye, 3D Video Tools, In:
Pedro Amado Assunção and Atanas Gotchev (eds), 3D Visual Content
Creation, Coding and Delivery, chapter 9, Pages 223-265, Signals and
Communication Technology, Springer International Publishing 2019, DOI :
- Nadjib Achir and Khaled Boussetta. Video
gaming on ad hoc networks: Challenges and solutions. In Ryohei Nakatsu,
Matthias Rauterberg, and Paolo Ciancarini, editors, Handbook of Digital
Games and Entertainment Technologies, chapter 24, pages 545-568.
Springer Singapore, Singapore, 2015, DOI : 10.1007/978-981-4560-50-4_36
- Hervé Rivano, Isabelle Augée-Blum, Walid
Bechkit, Khaled Boussetta, Marco Fiore, Razvan Stanica, and Fabrice
Valois. Wireless access networks for smart cities. In A. Vesco and F.
Ferrero (eds), Handbook of Research on Social, Economic, and
Environmental Sustainability in the Development of Smart Cities, pages
266-297. Information Science Reference, 2015,
- Sondes Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, Guy
Pujolle, A cross-layer radio resource management in WiMAX systems, In
Roberto C. Hincapie and Javier E. Sierra (eds) Quality of Service and
Resource Allocation in WiMAX, InTech Publisher. ISBN 978-953-307-956-1,
February 2012. DOI: 10.5772/2454
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled
Boussetta, Guy Pujolle, Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks, in Yan
Zhang, Laurence T. Yang, Jiming Chen (eds) RFID and Sensor
Networks : Architectures, Protocols, Security and Integrations, CRC
Press, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9781420077773, May-2009,
Editorial of Special Issues
- Houbing Song, Daqiang Zhang, Antonio J.
Jara, Jiafu Wan, and Khaled Boussetta. IEEE access special section
editorial: Smart cities. IEEE Access, 4:3671-3674, 2016, DOI :
- Maha Abdallah, Khaled Boussetta, and Wei
Tsang Ooi. Guest editorial: special issue on network and systems
support for games. Multimedia System, 20(5):447-449, 2014, DOI :
- Houssemeddine Mazouzi, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Maximizing
mobiles energy saving through tasks optimal offloading placement in
two-tier cloud: A theoretical and an experimental study. Computer Communications (Elsevier), volume 144, Pages 132-148, August 2019. DOI:10.1016/j.comcom.2019.05.017
- Houssemeddine Mazouzi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, an Efficient Computation Offloading for Multi-cloudlet Mobile-Edge Computing, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Pages 1-24, Volume 19, Issue 2, April 2019, DOI:10.1145/3241666
- Arslane Hamza-Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz, Fedoua Lahfa, Performance evaluation and comparative study of main VDTN routing protocols under small- and large-scale scenarios, Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier), volume 81, Pages : 122-142, December 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2018.07.008
- Mustapha Bekhti and Nadjib Achir and Khaled Boussetta and Marwen Abdennebi, Drone Package Delivery: A Heuristic approach for UAVs path planning and tracking, Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things (EAI), Volume 17, Number 9, August, 2017, DOI: 10.4108/eai.31-8-2017.153048
- Abdelhak Farsi, Nadjib Achir, and Khaled Boussetta. WLAN planning: Separate and joint optimization of both access point placement and channel assignment. Annals of Telecommunications (Springer), Volume 70, Issue 5-6, pages 263-274, 2015, DOI : 10.1007/s12243-014-0447-2
- Arnaud Kaiser, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Multipath traffic balancing approach for disconnections reduction in video games over MANETs,
Special issue : A survey on interactive games over mobile networks,
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (John Wiley & Sons),
Volume 13, Number 3, pages : 328-342, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/wcm.2211
- Sondes Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, and Guy Pujolle. A tabu search heuristic for bandwidth allocation in fixed WiMax.
Telecommunication Systems (Springer), Volume 51, Number 1, pages
: 81-91, 2012, DOI : 10.1007/s11235-010-9417-9
- Sondes, Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir and Guy Pujolle, Mobile WiMAX bandwidth reservation thresholds: a heuristic approach,
International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies
(IGI Publishing), Volume 1, Number 2, Pages : 42-61, 2011. DOI :
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta and Guy Pujolle, Artificial Potential Field Approach in WSN Deployment: Cost, QoM, Connectivity, and Lifetime. Computer Networks (Elsevier), Volume 55, Number 1, Pages : 84 - 105, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2010.07.017
- Salim Benayoune, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta et Ken Chen, A MAC centric Cross Layer approach for H.264 video streaming over HSDPA,
Journal of Communications (Academy Publisher) Special Issue on
Multimedia Communications, Networking and Applications, Volume 4 :
Number 9, Pages 691-699, October 2009. DOI : 10.4304/jcm.4.9.691-699
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle, A Tabu Search WSN Deployment Method for Monitoring Geographically Irregular Distributed Events,
Sensors (MDPI) - Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Technologies and
Applications, Volume 9, Number 3, Pages 1625-1643, 2009, DOI :
- Jun.Hong. Cui, Jim Kim, Dario Maggiorini, Khaled Boussetta, and Mario Gerla. Aggregated Multicast - A Comparative Study.
Cluster Computing. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Volume 8, Number
1, Pages : 15-26(12), January 2005, DOI 10.1007/s10586-004-4433-8
- Khaled Boussetta, Yacine Ghamri Doudane, and André-Luc Beylot. Simulcast-based DCA Scheme for Multicast Communications. Networks and Information Systems Journal, volume 3; number 6, Pages 853-864, 2000, Hermès Oxford.
International Conferences
- Arslane Hamza Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz, Fedoua Lahfa,
GeoDTC: A New Geographic Routing Protocol Based on Distance, Time and
Custody Transfer. 5th International Conference Internet of Vehicles
(IOV) 2018, Paris, France, November 20-22, 2018 IOV 2018, pages : 27-45
- Houssemeddine Mazouzi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Maximizing
mobiles energy saving through tasks optimal offloading placement in
two-tier cloud, The 21st ACM International Conference on Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (ACM MSWIM
2018), November 2nd, 2018, Montreal, Canada, pages 137-154
- Michele Garraffa, Mustapha Bekhti, Lucas Letocart, Nadjib Achir,
Khaled Boussetta, Drones Path Planning for WSN Data Gathering: A Column
Generation Heuristic Approach, 2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and
Networking Conference (WCNC), 15-18 April 2018, Barcelona, Spain; pages
: 1-6.
- Mustapha Bekhti, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Swarm of Networked
Drones for Video Detection of Intrusions, WiCON 2017 - 10th EAI
International Wireless Internet Conference, Decembre 16-17, 2017,
Tianjin, China
- Mustapha Bekhti, Michele Garraffa, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta,
Lucas Letocart: Assessment of multi-UAVs tracking for data gathering.
13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Conference (IWCMC) 2017, pages 1004-1009.
- Arslane Hamza Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz, Fedoua Didi:
Improving the performances of geographic VDTN routing protocols.
Med-Hoc-Net 2017: pages : 1-5
- Eya Dhib, Khaled Boussetta, Nawel Zangar, Nabil Tabbane, Cost-aware
virtual machines placement problem under constraints over a distributed
cloud infrastructure. Sixth International Conference on Communications
and Networking, ComNet 2017, Hammamet, Tunisia, March 29 - April 1,
2017. IEEE 2017, ISBN 978-1-5090-4663-8
- Celia Yasmine Tazibt, Mustapha Bekhti, Tounsia Djamah, Nadjib
Achir, Khaled Boussetta: Wireless sensor network clustering for
UAV-based data gathering. Wireless Days 2017, pages : 245-247
- Mustapha Bekhti, Marwen Abdennebi, Nadjib Achir, and Khaled
Boussetta. A heuristic path planning approach for uavs integrating
tracking support through wireless networks. In 2nd EAI International
Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, GoodTech
2016, Venice, Italy, November 30-December 1, 2016, 2016
- Rafael Silva, Nadjib Achir, Aldri Santos, Khaled Boussetta, and
Michele Nogueira. Avoiding collisions by time slot reduction supporting
voice and video in 802.11 networks. In 59th IEEE Annual Global
Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2016, Washington, DC, USA, December
4-8, 2016
- Gladys Diaz and Khaled Boussetta. An overview about current network
enablers for the future naas architecture. In 7th International
Conference the Network of the Future, NOF 2016, Busios, Brazil,
November 16-18, 2016
- Mustapha Bekhti, Marwen Abdennebi, Nadjib Achir, and Khaled
Boussetta. Path planning of unmanned aerial vehicles with terrestrial
wireless network tracking. In 2016 Wireless Days, WD 2016, Toulouse,
France, March 23-25, 2016, pages 1-6, 2016
- Eya Dhib, Khaled Boussetta, Nawel Zangar, and Nabil Tabbane.
Modeling cloud gaming experience for massively multiplayer online
games. In13th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking
Conference, CCNC 2016, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 9-12, 2016, pages
381-386, 2016
- Arslane Hamza Cherif, Khaled Boussetta, Gladys Diaz, and Fedoua
Didi. A probabilistic convergecast protocol for vehicle to
infrastructure communication in ITS architecture. In 13th IEEE Annual
Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, CCNC 2016, Las
Vegas, NV, USA, January 9-12, 2016, pages 776-777, 2016
- Jin Cui, Khaled Boussetta, and Fabrice Valois. Performance
evaluation of data aggregation functions using markov decision
processes. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Symposium on Performance
Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, & Ubiquitous Networks,
PE-WASUN 2015, Cancun, Mexico, November 2-6, 2015, pages 101-108, 2015
- Arslane Hamza Cherif, Fedoua Didi, Khaled Boussetta, and Gladys
Diaz. A state of art of modern intelligent transport systems. In
Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Advanced
Communication Systems and Signal Processing (ICOSIP), Tlemcen, Algeria,
November 8-9, 2015
- Eya Dhib, Nabil Tabbane, Nawel Zangar, and Khaled Boussetta.
C-chord: Hierarchical peer-to-peer protocol over a fully decentralized IaaS cloud. In 2014 International Conference and Workshop on the
Network of the Future, NOF 2014, Paris, France, December 3-5, 2014,
pages 1-5, 2014
- Isabelle Augé-Blum, Khaled Boussetta, Hervé Rivano, Razvan Stanica,
Fabrice Valois Capillary Networks: A Novel Networking Paradigm for
Urban Environments, UrbaNe Workshop 2012 (in conjunction with ACM
coNext 2012). Nice, France. December 2012.
- Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta, Toward the Integration
of IVC-based Services into ITS Architecture Standards, IEEE Global
Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS 2012), Choroni, Venezuela,
December 2012.
- Abdelhak Farsi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Backhaul Topology
Design and Weighted Max-Min Fair Capacity Allocation in Wireless Mesh
Networks, V. Guyot (Ed.): ICAIT 2012, LNCS 7593, pp. 296-309, 2013.
- Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta, Abdelhak Farsi,
Adaptive Contention Window for Zone-Based Dissemination of Vehicular
Traffic. V. Guyot (Ed.): ICAIT 2012, LNCS 7593, pp. 330-339, 2013.
- Abdelhak Farsi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Three-phase
Heuristic Algorithm for Wireless LAN Planning, IEEE WCNC 2012, Paris
France, April 2012.
- Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta, How Virtual Police
Agents Can Help in The Traffic Guidance?, IEEE WCNC 2012 workshop on
Wireless Vehicular Communications and Networks, Paris France, April
- Ta-Yu Huang, Chih-Ming Lin, Jehn-Ruey Jiang, Wei Tsang Ooi, Maha
Abdallah and Khaled Boussetta, SYMA: A Synchronous Multihop
Architecture for Wireless Ad Hoc Multiplayer Games, 5th International
Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Networked Virtual Environments, Tainan,
Taiwan, December 7-9, 2011
- Khaled Boussetta, Arnaud Kaiser, and Nadjib Achir, Effects of
packetization delay on multiplayer gaming experience over ad hoc
networks, in IFIP Wireless Days conference, Niagara Falls, Canada,
October 2011.
- Arnaud Kaiser, Nadjib Achir and Khaled Boussetta, An Energy-Delay
Routing Protocol for Video Games over Multihop Ad Hoc Networks in Third
International ICST Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (AdHocNets), Paris,
France, 2011. Published in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer
Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering book
series (LNICST, volume 89), pages 193-208. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg,
2012. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-29096-1
- Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz and Khaled Bousetta, Virtual Police
Agents for ITS Traffic Routing, in IEEE 11th International Conference
on Intelligent Tranport System - ITST2011, Saint-Petersburg Russia.
September 2011.
- Abdelhak Farsi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Heuristic
Approaches for Access Points Deployment and Frequency Assignment in
WLANs, IEEE Global Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS 2011), Da
Nang, Vietnam, July 2011.
- Arturo Gomez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta and Nadjib Achir, Use
Case Description of VPAIR: Virtual Police Agents for Traffic Guidance,
in IEEE 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Traffic System for
Ubiquitous Roads - UBIROADS'2011, Da Nang, Vietnam, July 2011.
- Arnaud Kaiser, Nadjib Achir and Khaled Boussetta, A multipath
traffic balancing proposal to reduce gaming disconnections in MANET,
IFIP Wirless Days Conference, Venice, Italy October 2010.
- Salim Benayoune, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta and Ken Chen, A
MAC-level Flow Control Algorithm For H.264/AVC Video Streaming Over
HSDPA, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Conference (IWCMC 2010), June 2010, Caen, France.
- Sondes Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Guy Pujolle, A
combined MAC and Physical resource allocation mechanism in IEEE 802.16e
networks, IEEE VTC Spring, May 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle,
Multi-Objectives WSN Deployment: Quality of Monitoring, Connectivity
and Lifetime, in IEEE International Conference on
Communications - ICC 2010, Cap Town, South Africa, May, 2010.
- Arnaud Kaiser, Nadjib Achir and Khaled Boussetta, Improving energy
efficiency and gameplay fairness for time-sensitive multiplayers games
in MANET, IEEE ICC'10 Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Wireless
Networks & Wireless Networks for Energy Efficiency (E2Nets 2010),
Cape Town, South Africa, May, 2010.
- Nicloas Mariette, Brian F. G. Katz, Khaled Boussetta, and Olivier
Guillerminet. Sounddelta: A study of audio augmented reality using
wifi-distributed ambisonic cell rendering. Proceedings of 128th
Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London, UK, May 2010.
- Claudio. E. Palazzi, Arnaud Kaiser, Khaled Boussetta and Nadjib
Achir, A Preliminary Evaluation of Backup Servers for Longer Gaming
Sessions in MANETs, DIstributed SImulation & Online gaming (DISIO
2010), Malaga, Spain, March, 2010
- Abdelhak Farsi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Two-tier Wireless
Mesh Networks Dimensioning, in IFIP Wireless Days conference, Paris,
Décember 2009.
- Arnaud Kaiser, Dario Maggiorini , Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir,
On the Objective Evaluation of Real-Time Networked Games, in IEEE
Global Communications Conference - GLOBECOM’09. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
November 30- December 4, 2009.
- Abdelhak Farsi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Capacity Assignment
for Multipath Routing in Multiclass Two-Tier Wireless Mesh Networks, In
5th IEEE Workshop on Broadband Wireless Access, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA,
November 30- December 4, 2009.
- Arturo Gómez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta, An integrated ITS
framework for traffic forecast with GIS and active sensory assistance,
in 9th International conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST’09),
Lille, France, October 2009.
- Arnaud Kaiser, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Multiplayer Games
over Wireless Ad hoc Networks: Energy and Delay Analysis, in Ubiquitous
Multimedia Services and Applications workshop (UMSA 2009),
St-Petersburg, Russia, October 2009.
- Arturo Gómez, Gladys Diaz, Khaled Boussetta, ITS forecast: GIS
Integration with Active Sensory System, 2st IEEE International Workshop
on ITS for an Ubiquitous IROADS Workshop. Hammamet Tunisia. June 2009.
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle,
Potential Field Approach to Ensure Connectivity and Differentiated
Detection in WSN Deployment, in IEEE International Conference on
Communications - ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 14-18, 2009.
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Bezalel Gavish, A
Gradient Approach for Differentiated Wireless Sensor Network
Deployment, In first IFIP Wireless Days Conference, Dubai, United Arab
Emirates, November 24-27, 2008.
- Sondes Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Guy Pujolle,
Bandwidth Partitionning for Mobile WiMax service provisioning , In first
IFIP Wireless Days Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November
24-27, 2008.
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle,
Heuristic Deployment to achieve both Differentiated Detection and
Connectivity in WSN, IEEE 67th Vehicular Technology Conference
(VTC2008-Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore, Mai 2008.
- Salim Benayoune, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta et Ken Chen,
Content-aware ARQ for H.264 Streaming in UTRAN, IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2008. Las Vegas,
Nevada, Mars 2008.
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle, A
Tabu Search Approach for Differentiated Sensor Network Deployment. 5th
Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
2008. Las Vegas, Nevada, Janvier 2008. Best student paper award.
- Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Sondes Khemiri, A Markovien
Decision Model for Optimal CAC in IEEE 802.16, Networking and
Electronic Commerce Research Conference (NAEC'2007), Riva Del Garda,
Italy, October 18-21, 2007.
- Ahmad Sardouk, Sidi Mohammed Senouci, Nadjib Achir, Khaled
Boussetta, Assessment of MANET Broadcast Schemes in the Application
Context of Multiplayer Video Games, 6th Annual Workshop on Network and
Systems Support for Games, (Netgames'2007), In cooperation with ACM
SIGCOMM, Melbourne, Australia, Septembre 19-20, 2007.
- Sondes Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Guy Pujolle, WiMax
bandwidth provisioning service to residential customers, The 9th
IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless
Communications Networks (IFIP/IEEE MWCN'2007), Cork, Irlande, Septembre
19-21, 2007.
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle,
Differentiated Underwater Sensor Network Deployment, (IEEE/OES
OCEANS'2007), Scotland, Aberdeen, June 18--21, 2007.
- Sondes Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Guy Pujolle,
Optimal Call Admission Control for an IEEE 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan
Area Network, International Conference on Network Control and
Optimization, (NETCOOP'2007), Lectures Notes in Computer Sciences --
LNCS, Springer-Verlag, France, Avignon, june 5--7, 2007.
- Salim Benayoune, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta et Ken Chen, A
Study of H.264/AVC Robustness Over a Wireless Link. ISSPA 2007
International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications in
conjunction with the International Conference on Information Sciences,
Signal Processing and its Applications, 12 - 15 February 2007, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates.
- Bruno Baynat, Khaled Boussetta, Pierre Eisenmann and Slim Trabelsi.
Extended Erlang-B law for performance evaluation of radio resources
sharing in GSM/(E)GPRS Networks. 16th International Symposium on
Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC’2005),
Berlin, Allemagne, Septembre 2005
- Bruno Baynat, Khaled Boussetta, Pierre Eisenmann and Nidhal Ben
Rached. Discrete-Time Markov Model for EDGE/GPRS Radio Engineering with
Finite-length Sessions. International Symposium on Performance
Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'04), San
Jose, California, Juillet, 2004.
- Bruno Baynat, Pierre Eisenmann and Khaled Boussetta. Towards an
Erlang-like law for the Performance Evaluation of GPRS/EDGE Networks
with Finite-Length Sessions. In IFIP-TC6 Networking 2004, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 3042, Pages 1288-1293, Athènes Grèce, Mai 2004
- Khaled Boussetta, Bruno Baynat and Pierre Eisenmann. Performance
evaluation of GPRS/EDGE networks: A novel discrete-time Markov model.
In the 5th World Wireless Congress (WWC). San Francisco, USA, Mai, 2004.
- Jin-Hong Cui, Michalis Faloutsos, Dario Maggiorini, Mario Gerla and
Khaled Boussetta. Modelling the Spatial Properties of Group Members in
the Internet. In ACM SIGCOMM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference
(IMC 2003), Pages 65-77, ACM Press, Miami, USA, octobre 2003.
- Jin-Hong Cui, Jim Kim, Dario Maggiorini, Khaled Boussetta, and Mario Gerla. A Protocol to Improve the State Scalability of Source Specific
Multicast. In IEEE Globecom 2002, Vol. 2, Pages 1899-1904, Taipei,
Taiwan, novembre 2002.
- Jin-Hong. Cui, Jim Kim, Dario Maggiorini, Khaled Boussetta, and Mario
Gerla. Aggregated Multicast - A Comparative Study. In IFIP-TC6
Networking 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2345,
Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Pages 1032-1044, Pisa, Italy, mai 2002.
- Mourad Guerroui, Khaled Boussetta, and Dominique Gaïti. Rerouting
Algorithm for non real time traffic. In IEEE Vehicular Technology
Conference, VTC'01/Fall, Vol. 4, Pages 2635-2639, Atlantic City, USA,
octobre 2001.
- Khaled Boussetta, Yacine Ghamri Doudane, and André-Luc Beylot.
Simulcast-based DCA scheme for unicast and multicast communications in
LEO satellite networks. In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking
Conference (WCNC'00), Vol. 3, Pages 1472-1476, Chigaco, USA, septembre
- Khaldoun Al-Agha and Khaled Boussetta. Dynamic slot Allocation for
multicasting in GPRS systems. In IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
(VTC'00/Spring), IEEE Publisher, Pages 2355-2359, Tokyo, Japan, mai
- Khaled Boussetta and André-Luc Beylot. Multirate resource sharing
for unicast and multicast connections. In IFIP International Broadband
Communications Conference (BC'99), Danny H. K. Tsang and Paul J. Kühn
editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Pages 561-570, Hong Kong, China,
novembre 1999.
- Khaled Boussetta and Jalel Ben-Othman. Radio Resource Mangement for
Multicast Connections in Third Wireless Network Generation. In IFIP
International Conference on Computer Communication (ICCC'99), Kinji Ono
editor, ICCC Press, Vol. 1, Pages 214-220, Tokyo, Japan, septembre 1999.
- Mourad Guerroui, Khaled Boussetta, and Jalel Ben-Othman.
Multi-services Handover in ATM-based Broadband Network for WATM. In
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications (ISWC'99),
Pages 39-41, Victoria, Canada, juin 1999.
- Jalel Ben-Othman and Khaled Boussetta. Multicasting in Hierarchical
Cellular Networks. In IEEE International Conference on
Telecommunication (ICT'99), Vol. 1, Pages 487-491, Cheju, South Corea,
juin 1999.
- Jalel Ben-Othman, Khaled Boussetta, and A. Guerroui. BAAWAM with
wireless Specific Quality of Service. In IEEE International Conference
on ATM (ICATM'98), IEEE Press, Pages 77-86, Colmar, France, juin 1998.
- Jalel Ben-Othman, Khaled Boussetta, and A. Guerroui. BAAWAM: a new
Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm in the Wireless ATM for a Multicast. In
IEEE International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT'98), Vol. 3,
Pages 291-295, Chalkidiki, Greece, juin 1998.
National Conferences
- Sondes Khemiri, Khaled Boussetta, Nadjib Achir, Guy Pujolle,
Mécanismes de gestion de la bande passante pour les réseaux WiMAX, 8ème
Colloque Francophone de Gestion de Réseaux et de Services (GRES 2007),
Hammamet, Tunisie, Novembre 2007.
- Nadjib Aitsaadi, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta, Guy Pujolle,
Déploiement Différencié des Réseaux de Capteurs, 8ème Colloque
Francophone de Gestion de Réseaux et de Services (GRES 2007), Hammamet,
Tunisie, Novembre 2007. Best student paper award.
- Salim Benayoune, Nadjib Achir, Khaled Boussetta et Ken Chen,
Performances des mécanismes de robustesse de H.264/AVC sur un lien sans
fil, dans CFIP 2006 Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des
Protocoles, 30 octobre 2006 - 3 Novembre 2006, Tozeur, Tunisie.
IETF Draft
- Jin-Hong Cui, Mario Gerla, Khaled
Boussetta, Michalis Faloutsos, A. Fei, Jim Kim, and Dario Maggiorini.
Aggregated Multicast: A Scheme to Reduce Multicast States. Internet
draft: draft-cui-multicast-aggregation-00.txt, Fevrier 2002.