My thesis was entitled: "Detection and Dynamic of Local Communities in Large Social Networks". I have prepared my Under the supervision of Pr. Emmanuel Viennet. My work has consisted, on one hand to detect local communities (set of nodes having more connections between them than with the rest of the network, that are detected starting with a particular node and without complete knowledge of the network) and extract some indicator to predict the behaviours of its members, and on the other hand, to predict the evolution of these communities in the time based on machine learning techniques.
I have participated to the following reshearch projects:
  • 2009-2012: Web 2.0 CEDRES project, Development of components for social network analysis and mining. Partners: L2TI-UP13, LIP6-UPMC, AF83, Heaven, Telefun.
  • 2012-2014: Projet FUI Ammico, a french project on collaborative recommandations for museum visits coordonné par Orphéo France. Parteners: Exalead, IRI, Jamespot, KXEN, LIP6-UPMC, L2TI-UP13, SIGMA-ESPCI-UPMC.